Cпециальное летнее предложение от доктора Е. Донца

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г. Киев, ул. Николая Ушакова, 1г,
Лико-Мед Академгородок

Blepharoplasty (eyelid correction)

Blepharoplasty - removal of excess skin and fat on the upper and lower eyelids. After surgery, the muscle tissue eyelids are tightened, the skin in the lower eyelid area is smoothed and improved peripheral vision.

By the age of 30, both women and men are beginning to feel the first signs of skin aging eyelids, as this area is particularly sensitive. The skin around eyes is thin and easily subject to change under the influence of external and internal factors. Aging, skin loses its elasticity, becomes thinner and stretched. As a result - wrinkles, overhanging skin fold of the upper eyelid and "bags" under the eyes, puffiness around the eyes, 

dark circles, which give the person a tired expression, spoil not only our appearance, but our mood. You can cope with these adverse events with the help of blepharoplasty.

Today, blepharoplasty - the most effective operation to correct aesthetic defects of the eyelids. Perfect anti-aging effect, which gives blepharoplasty in combination with fractional thermal lifting paraorbital zone allows persists from 7 to 10 years.

Depending on the tasks and the amount of operation can take from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Differ upper and lower blepharoplasty:

  • Plastic and upper eyelids are done on their natural folds. The plastic surgeon makes an incision along the upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer edge and removes excess skin and fat herniation in order to achieve an aesthetically perfect result. If sagging eyelid skin is aggravated by excess tissue of the forehead and overhanging eyebrows, it is recommended to carry out the operation in conjunction with an endoscopic forehead lift to achieve maximum cosmetic effect using «ENDOTINE forehead» system. Combined plastic surgery of the face smoothes the skin of the forehead and brow lifts, preventing the hanging of age.
  • lower eyelid blepharoplasty can be done with classical or transconjunctival method. With classical plastic lower eyelid incision is carried through to 1-2 mm below the lash line. The scar is usually highly cosmetic and masked in the natural crease of the eyelid. In individual cases, often at a young age or where the main problem is the presence of only fat herniation, may be used Transconjunctival access (without incision).

About the possible risks and complications associated with surgery and the nature of the individual characteristics of your body, the surgeon dr. Donets will tell you during the initial consultation. With the help of a specialist you have decided on the volume of transactions, which will come as close to the desired result, as well as get advice on preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation, the answers to your questions.

During the consultation, we will provide you with further, more detailed information on all matters contained in this Factsheet.

  • Eyelid surgery is performed under general anesthesia, in individual cases, it may be performed under local anesthesia.
  • Staying in the hospital an average of 1 day, in certain cases it is possible to leave the hospital at the same day.
  • Immediately after surgery on the eyelids impose Adhesive bandages "steri-strip", which lasts for 2 days.
  • Sutures are removed at 3 - 5 days after surgery.
  • After about 7-10 days, you can return to normal life.
  • Within 1 month, we do not recommend that you use the sauna, solarium.
  • In the early postoperative period a physician-rehabilitator for you will be drawn up and carried out individual rehabilitation program, which will reduce the recovery period and improve surgical result.
  • The final result of the operation will be evaluated through a 1 - 2 month.

Преимущества 3D моделирования

Это ваша реальная возможность увидеть и оценить конечный результат до того, как доктор приступит к процедуре.
  • Выполняется сканирование Вашего тела.
  • Затем данные переносятся в компьютер, где и создаётся трёхмерная модель.
  • С помощью специализированной программы доктор смоделирует грудь Вашей мечты.
    * если Ваши исходные данные позволяют это.

Уже на первичной консультации Вам покажут, как изменятся пропорции тела после выбранной операции.

Несколько шагов до уверенности в себе


Запись на личную консультацию
через сайт или по телефону.


В назначенное время
приходите на консультацию.


Полное обследование и сдача
анализов займут не более 2-х часов.


Процедура длится в среднем
50 минут.


1 день Вы проводите в стационаре клиники под наблюдением опытного медицинского персонала


На полное восстановление
уходит порядка 3-х недель.

Основа доверия и взаимопонимания врача
и пациента — честное и добросовестное отношение.
Только в этом случае результат окажется ожидаемым
и полностью удовлетворяющим пациента.

Лико-Мед Академгородок

г. Киев, ул. Николая Ушакова, 1г

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