Cпециальное летнее предложение от доктора Е. Донца

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г. Киев, ул. Николая Ушакова, 1г,
Лико-Мед Академгородок

Rhinoplasty (nose surgery)

Generally, rhinoplasty pursues aesthetic purposes - to change the shape of the nose of the patient - is carried out in order to create a more harmonious appearance, increase its self-esteem and improve morale. In particular, rhinoplasty helps to solve problems such as a large nose, hump, broad nasal bridge, and many others. That is why today rhinoplasty is equally popular in both men and women.

In some cases, rhinoplasty is used to eliminate the effects of postponed injuries when operative intervention is necessary for the elimination of violations of the respiratory function of the nose (septum bending).

The operation is performed in a single step - the restoration of breathing and changing the shape of the nose.

For the purpose of aesthetic correction, rhinoplasty is performed usually after 20 - 35 years as the nasal cartilage is fully formed only by 20 years. Contraindicated surgery such persons suffering from acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract, cancer, bleeding disorders.

Sometimes patients lay on rhinoplasty absolutely unjustified hopes, believing that any nose can make your favorite shape, but in reality it is not so. The shape of the nose is corrected in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient, both aesthetic and physiological point of view.

The essence of rhinoplasty is to correct the bone and cartilage skeleton. Depending on the tasks facing the surgeon to perform the correction is possible in two ways. The first is to implement cuts nasal mucosa - this technique is called the closed rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty requires one external incision in the skin in the area of the nasal septum (columella). The scar in this area are generally high cosmetic, and with the closed rhinoplasty absent.

About the possible risks and complications associated with surgery and the nature of the individual characteristics of your body, the plastic surgeon Dr.Donets will tell you during the initial consultation. With the help of a specialist you decide the volume of transactions, which will allow you to get as close to the desired result, as well as get advice on preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation, the answers to your questions.

During the consultation, we will provide you with further, more detailed information on all matters contained in this Factsheet.

  • Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia.
  • The duration of the operation depends on the volume and can last from 40 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Staying in the hospital an average of 1 day, in some cases, may leave the clinic on the same day.
  • Immediately after the operation to the area of the back and the tip of the nose is applied Adhesive bandages "steri-strip", which lasts for 7 days.
  • The stitches are removed 7-8 days after surgery.
  • After about 7-10 days, you can return to normal life.
  • Within 1 month, we do not recommend that you use the sauna, solarium.

Преимущества 3D моделирования

Это ваша реальная возможность увидеть и оценить конечный результат до того, как доктор приступит к процедуре.
  • Выполняется сканирование Вашего тела.
  • Затем данные переносятся в компьютер, где и создаётся трёхмерная модель.
  • С помощью специализированной программы доктор смоделирует грудь Вашей мечты.
    * если Ваши исходные данные позволяют это.

Уже на первичной консультации Вам покажут, как изменятся пропорции тела после выбранной операции.

Несколько шагов до уверенности в себе


Запись на личную консультацию
через сайт или по телефону.


В назначенное время
приходите на консультацию.


Полное обследование и сдача
анализов займут не более 2-х часов.


Процедура длится в среднем
50 минут.


1 день Вы проводите в стационаре клиники под наблюдением опытного медицинского персонала


На полное восстановление
уходит порядка 3-х недель.

Основа доверия и взаимопонимания врача
и пациента — честное и добросовестное отношение.
Только в этом случае результат окажется ожидаемым
и полностью удовлетворяющим пациента.

Лико-Мед Академгородок

г. Киев, ул. Николая Ушакова, 1г

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