Cпециальное летнее предложение от доктора Е. Донца

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г. Киев, ул. Николая Ушакова, 1г,
Лико-Мед Академгородок

Face lifting (face lift, SMAS-lifting)

Unfortunately, skin, and facial muscles have an ability to lose their elasticity, causing the first visible signs of aging - wrinkles, folds, various strain paths and facial contours. The main task of the facelift surgery - not banal wrinkles, face lift is the opportunity to return the correct person and attractive features characteristic of his youth: to emphasize the shape of the face, remove the double chin, smooth wrinkles aging, give the skin a healthy-looking person.

The main advantage of facelift surgery is to obtain a stable and long-lasting result. 

Facelift and neck requires the implementation of a cut in the skin folds and areas that involve the formation of cosmetic scar. The most common incision begins with the hairy part of the temporal region, is in the crease in front of the ear, rounding the earlobe in a fold-up, and then gradually turns back and goes down in the hairy part of the neck. This line access can be modified somewhat, since it affects several factors: the location and nature of the hairline, hairstyle and hair length, the greatness of the tragus to the pinna, transferred early facial plastic surgery. Subsequently, after detachment of the flap of skin and fat and work on deep structures (SMAS-flap, fascia, fatty tissue and sometimes bone and periosteum), produced by special lifting displacement vector SMASa and skin, removing its twists and intradermal cosmetic overlay seam.

At the moment, different techniques are developed performing a face lift and neck lifting. These are considered to be the most popular:

  • a full face and neck lift (FACE- lift);
  • minimal access facelift (MACS- lift);
  • S - lift.
  • lifting using bioabsorbiruyuschey (absorbable) ENDOTINE system. The advantages of this technology include:
  • Minimal invasiveness and trauma intervention
  • The projected outcome is already in operation and to obtain stable results immediately after surgery.
  • Short period of rehabilitation.

About the possible risks and complications of plastic surgery of the face associated with the nature of the operation and the individual characteristics of your body, the surgeon dr. Donets will tell you during the initial consultation. With the help of a specialist you will determine the volume of transactions, which will come as close to the desired result, as well as get advice on preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation, the answers to your questions.

Yet, remember, the main indication for surgery is your informed decision to improve your appearance, improve the quality of life.

  • All operations, pursuing its goal facial rejuvenation are performed under general anesthesia. You will not feel the pain and remember what happened to you during the operation.
  • The duration of the operation will depend on the volume of transactions and may take from 2 to 4 hours.
  • Staying at the hospital an average of 1-2 days.
  • Immediately after surgery you will be imposed a special compression bandage, which will be changed every day for two days.
  • Entered into a wound drainage is removed, usually the next day.
  • In 7-10 days you will need to wear light sling.
  • Sutures are removed on postoperative day 12-14.
  • After about 2-3 weeks you can go back to normal life.
  • Within 2 months we do not recommend that you use the sauna, solarium.
  • In the early postoperative period a physician-rehabilitator for you will be drawn up and carried out individual rehabilitation program, which will reduce the recovery period and improve surgical result.
  • The final result of the operation will be evaluated after 3-6 months.

Преимущества 3D моделирования

Это ваша реальная возможность увидеть и оценить конечный результат до того, как доктор приступит к процедуре.
  • Выполняется сканирование Вашего тела.
  • Затем данные переносятся в компьютер, где и создаётся трёхмерная модель.
  • С помощью специализированной программы доктор смоделирует грудь Вашей мечты.
    * если Ваши исходные данные позволяют это.

Уже на первичной консультации Вам покажут, как изменятся пропорции тела после выбранной операции.

Несколько шагов до уверенности в себе


Запись на личную консультацию
через сайт или по телефону.


В назначенное время
приходите на консультацию.


Полное обследование и сдача
анализов займут не более 2-х часов.


Процедура длится в среднем
50 минут.


1 день Вы проводите в стационаре клиники под наблюдением опытного медицинского персонала


На полное восстановление
уходит порядка 3-х недель.

Основа доверия и взаимопонимания врача
и пациента — честное и добросовестное отношение.
Только в этом случае результат окажется ожидаемым
и полностью удовлетворяющим пациента.

Лико-Мед Академгородок

г. Киев, ул. Николая Ушакова, 1г

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